Who will be crying out in chorus an allegiance to the king?

The order of service will read: "All who so desire, in the Abbey, and elsewhere, say together: I swear that blah blah...
As someone who believes that we should not have a Royal Family how could I swear allegiance to one? I suppose it doesn't insist that we do only that "all who so desire" should. I don't and I won't. But then I won't be watching either.
Here we go....I'll admit it...won't be on a doorstep shouting about my beliefs...but I am a royalist and will enjoy watching history next week.....Now waiting for someone to take their shot about my idiocy/stupitdy etc cos how dare I have my own beliefs
Stop talking sense Legz.
You need to hate anything royal (but still take every opportunity to remind others of your hatred in any royal related thread).
Unless you are a fan of Harry. He used to be bad but now he's good. Apparently.
Anti Morachists out in force again, same as when the queen died…😔
I’m no anti monarchist, I’m just not pro-indoctrination of a system that doesn’t give any benefit to those who are not part of it…

they can have their little royal family but it shouldn’t be costing the public purse anything…

it’s a cute little spectacle of historic pageantry and as a country it’s one of the last good exports we have but I’m not pledging an allegiance to them. I didn’t pledge one to the queen when I served in the navy but I did pledge to serve the country in any time of need…
I’m no anti monarchist, I’m just not pro-indoctrination of a system that doesn’t give any benefit to those who are not part of it…

they can have their little royal family but it shouldn’t be costing the public purse anything…
I tend to agree with you there, the Guardian ran a few articles on this subject and it is hard to argue why the taxpayer should pick up the tab.
Rather have a leg off.

EDIT: Been thinking about this overnight and I need that leg so would rather cut my own tongue out with a rusty hacksaw blade. So thats a no from me.
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