which estate agent

Cheers, Fragrance,

Do you have a link to that MSE forum?

I'm looking to move back to Teesside and would love some independent advice on buying.

Like I said if you post your listing, have a thick skin because they will lay into it brutally but its what you need rather than the EA blowing smoke up your ****. Our original photos and description was utter dogshite compared to what it ended up being. Our rooms were cluttered, angles of photos were bad, lights weren't turned on etc. We ended up prepping for moving by getting rid of as much stuff that we knew we wouldn't want going forward, and storing a load of other stuff in parents garage, even rearranged the furniture. It's amazing what little changes you can make that makes a house appear a lot more inviting and spacious.

There is a thread called "Have a look at this thread" where people post listings where people obviously don't go through these processes, its an absolute shop of horrors. But if you do your own thread, people will tell you if they think its overpriced for the area/similar local houses, what they think of decor, what the photos are like etc, it is brutal but theyre all eyes of a stranger, which is what you want - the same thoughts any buyer will have when viewing the house so its best to root out all that sort of stuff up front.

I actually bought a wide angle digital camera with decent spec (I used to be a photographer a long time ago, but sold all my gear), took my own photos and then returned it. The EA just rocked up with a token digital point and shoot camera and they weren't very good at all.

That forum is also good just for general advice around buying/selling process.