When you just can't root for the good guys on screen

As a kid I was desperate for d*ck Dastardly to win at least one Whacky Race. He came close, but he never did.
The problem with Mr Dastardly is that he could be leading the race by a country mile, clean air ahead and nobody in his rear view mirror with the finishing line 200m away over the next brow, and he would decide that this was the perfect time to stop, set a fiendish trap for his rivals, and hide behind a bush to watch what transpired.

What usually transpired was that the rest of the race would go over, under or around the trap leaving Mr Dastardly to finish a distant last. We can all learn from this by endeavouring each day to avoid the self inflicted pitfalls that befell Mr Dastardly on a daily basis.
Or, don't be a d*ck.
The problem with Mr Dastardly is that he could be leading the race by a country mile, clean air ahead and nobody in his rear view mirror with the finishing line 200m away over the next brow, and he would decide that this was the perfect time to stop, set a fiendish trap for his rivals, and hide behind a bush to watch what transpired.

What usually transpired was that the rest of the race would go over, under or around the trap leaving Mr Dastardly to finish a distant last. We can all learn from this by endeavouring each day to avoid the self inflicted pitfalls that befell Mr Dastardly on a daily basis.
Or, don't be a d*ck.
You’ve summed his toils up far better than I could have. On paper he had the best car, but on the one occasion he decided to race fairly, his rocket booster fell off the back of his car, just yards from the finishing line.
Muttley may have had something to do with it.