What was with the disturbance in the NW corner last night?

Lunacy on both sides. Firstly MFC installing Sunderland fans in the centre of the NW corner in the area they use for corporate. They were understandably ecstatic with our gift of a winner and weren't shy to show it. On the Boro fans side there was a rush towards them of grown men acting like infants giving it "My Dad's bigger than your Dad" whilst jumping screaming and shouting at both them and the unfortunate stewards. This continued down into the concourse where some young kids and families were present. At that point I left with a family who had a 6 year old with them and were pretty concerned. Both parties need to take a good look at their actions.
Just for once, I would love to see the stewards and coppers let one through. He would probably suddenly find a stone in his shoe or summat.
They perform, like daft kids at school, because they know the law or a steward will hold them back.
Amazingly there were actual punches thrown as a couple of mackems were bundled down the stairs. The rest of their group decided it was better to leave at that point.
Lunacy on both sides. Firstly MFC installing Sunderland fans in the centre of the NW corner in the area they use for corporate. They were understandably ecstatic with our gift of a winner and weren't shy to show it. On the Boro fans side there was a rush towards them of grown men acting like infants giving it "My Dad's bigger than your Dad" whilst jumping screaming and shouting at both them and the unfortunate stewards. This continued down into the concourse where some young kids and families were present. At that point I left with a family who had a 6 year old with them and were pretty concerned. Both parties need to take a good look at their actions.
They celebrated the equaliser in the first half and
a few fans objected, about 6 stewards turned up and just stood around, they left at half time. When the second half started there was a confrontation which continued down the steps.
If the stewards had asked the Sunderland fans to either leave or go back to the corporate area in the first place, it may not have happened.
Not the thing you need especially with a few kids sat in this area.