Weird things you did as a kid

Eating crayons and burnt match ends (why?)
Climbing everything
Blowing up Action Figures and Airfix models with fireworks…
To counter the boredom of summer, we invented a variation of cricket: you used a garden cane as a bat and a spacehopper for the ball. Obvs we used proper cricket stumps.

It wasn’t a resounding success.
Having competitions at school to keep bending school rulers to make them flexible enough to get the 2 ends to meet. This was put to a stop when primary school teachers realised there were no rulers left due to a lot of them snapping. Was the start of pupils having to provide all of their own writing gear - sorry
I only did this once, for fairly obvious reasons.

Think I was 5 or 6 at the time. My dad was in the bathroom for ages and I was absolutely bursting for a wee.

So I took a glass from the cupboard, did my wee in it and then, for reasons I cannot explain, put the now full glass back in the cupboard.

That would be bad enough. But my mum then comes across said glass in cupboard filled with a mysterious straw coloured liquid. Again, for reasons I can't explain, decides the best way to identify this mysterious liquid is to have a taste......

made cassette tapes of me doing radio shows, with myself as the different guests
go out running for miles on end.. like marathon distances.. just for no reason
made a robot out of a cardboard box and drew switches and displays on it.. and glued a calculator to it's chest
howled like a dog once.. just got out of bed walked down the stairs, went outside and howled at the moon like a dog
made cassette tapes of me doing radio shows, with myself as the different guests
go out running for miles on end.. like marathon distances.. just for no reason
made a robot out of a cardboard box and drew switches and displays on it.. and glued a calculator to it's chest
howled like a dog once.. just got out of bed walked down the stairs, went outside and howled at the moon like a dog
It's weird things you did as a kid Newy. Not what you got up to last weekend 😉
I once thought it a good idea to see how much sharper a scalpel was than an ordinary knife, turns out its quite a lot.

I once went to a sort of recording booth in an amusement arcade in 1974 where you chose a song, sang it and it was recorded onto a 45 that you could take home and play, I thought it a great idea a singing career awaited. The choices were limited, so I chose to record Billy Don’t Be A Hero by Paper Lace, Phil Wright eat yer heart out 😎
made cassette tapes of me doing radio shows, with myself as the different guests

Blimey that’s just brought back one that I did with a cassette recording.

When we were about ten or eleven, me and a friend from up the road…let’s call him Peter Moyes (cos that’s what his name was)… made a fifteen minute tape of us walking on gravel, laughing manically and other ghostly sounds, accompanied with Peter going, in a strangulated voice, “I’m coming to get you Joooooohn.” We then put the tape recorder in my brother John’s bedroom cupboard (he would be six or seven) and, having left enough silent time on the tape for him to drift off to sleep, the tape played. He screamed the house down, I was leathered by my dad and bollocked by my mum who said she would tell all the teachers at the school where Peter and I attended (she worked in the accompanying infant school) what evil children we were. My brother cried for weeks afterwards claiming there were ghosts and monsters in the cupboard, I was banned from playing out with Peter and eventually my brother had to change bedroom due to his sleeplessness.

What a dreadful thing to do to my younger sibling….

I must ask him if he remembers it at his 60th birthday celebrztions next week. 🤔