Victoria Derbyshire

Why on earth do BBC entertain Kuenssberg and Bruce when they have this little gem, took Shapps to pieces, methodically, politely and without breaking sweat.
On a serious note, I came down at the end of the interview and the wife was saying how she disliked Shapps. When I saw it was Derbyshire who had interviewed him I said she would have taken him apart. Kuenssberg seems too pally with her guests and Fiona Bruce (not Ken) is better at sticking to the Antiques Road Show.
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Why on earth do BBC entertain Kuenssberg and Bruce when they have this little gem, took Shapps to pieces, methodically, politely and without breaking sweat.
I think you answered your own question. Kuenssberg is there to parrot the lines fed to her by Tory HQ, not to hold them to account.
"took Shapps to pieces"

Did she ask him "a" question? Watched him bullsh*t and bluster his way around it. Only asked if he wanted tea or coffee, turns out it was all Corbyns fault.....🙄
Not watched the show since early Andrew Marr days but seeing on morning news who was hosting gave it a viewing. Would watch every week again if they stuck to Victoria, only spoilt by having the irritating Rachel Johnson on.
Derbyshire will be kicked out soon methinks. Can't have real journalists questioning the oligarchy. Maybe she will end up on the Newsagents with Maitless and Estler.