Unconfirmed earthquake or seismic-like event: 19 km northeast of York

What’s been going on today? There were a few jets flying about above Redcar this aft and something flew over our house in Nunthorpe about an hour ago. It seemed really low, as was very loud. Couldn’t see anything on flight radar.
There is a visiting Sqn at Leeming, However you saw Typhoons and the FRA jets out of Teesside playing out in the North Sea.
What’s been going on today? There were a few jets flying about above Redcar this aft and something flew over our house in Nunthorpe about an hour ago. It seemed really low, as was very loud. Couldn’t see anything on flight radar.
Not a clue, but sexy jets flapping around all afternoon, and like you say, nothing on flight radar.
When I was on the Illustrious out the Gulf in 98, a yank aircraft went transonic and the boom shattered the windows of the Sea Kings on the flight deck. I was six decks down from the flight deck and we thought some ammunition had exploded. A proper loud bang and everything shook.
The old man and the embarked Admiral went mental. Thousands of pounds of damage to the helos.
Felt it in Brotton. Sounded like something had landed on the roof or something heavy falling over. Got up from desk and looked out of all the windows to see what it was as thought it was usual half wits doing something in the street. Couldnt see a thing. Didnt think anymore of it until wife came home from work and said Teesside live reporting a sonic boom or something.