Unconfirmed earthquake or seismic-like event: 19 km northeast of York


Well-known member
Seismic-like event, possible earthquake, reported about 10 minutes ago near York (England), England, United Kingdom

We are receiving unverified early reports of ground shaking possibly caused by seismic activity in or near York (England), England, United Kingdom on 17 Nov 2021 (GMT) at approximately 15:48.

Saltburn. Didn't feel like any quake I've ever known, so guessing sonic boom with all the military activity today.
Saltburn. Didn't feel like any quake I've ever known, so guessing sonic boom with all the military activity today.
What’s been going on today? There were a few jets flying about above Redcar this aft and something flew over our house in Nunthorpe about an hour ago. It seemed really low, as was very loud. Couldn’t see anything on flight radar.
What’s been going on today? There were a few jets flying about above Redcar this aft and something flew over our house in Nunthorpe about an hour ago. It seemed really low, as was very loud. Couldn’t see anything on flight radar.
I've seen at least 7 typhoons today over Teesside.... training I'm assuming?