Train / hotel package trips to London ?

Generally cheapest to book trains early and hotels late, just been last week, but not aware of any 'packages' available.
Who and how far in advance should you go for the trains please. Tried a few times and the prices are in their hundreds each when Ive tried. Want to take the Mrs to that there London in feb/ March and will probably try for cheaper first class tickets.
Who and how far in advance should you go for the trains please. Tried a few times and the prices are in their hundreds each when Ive tried. Want to take the Mrs to that there London in feb/ March and will probably try for cheaper first class tickets.
Cheapest train tickets are released 12 weeks in advance. you can set up alerts on Trainline but you are best off setting a reminder for a day or so before the 12 week is up and and checking every few hours as sometimes I've had it late and they're all gone.
Remember to get your consession card before you travel. Eg two together, senior citizen.

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