Tonights prime games

I hate players going down, pretending to be hurt and needing attention. It happens multiple times every game, especially defending a lead.

If you are so hurt you need play stopping for attention, it should be an automatic 60 seconds off the pitch for a physio assessment. It needs stamping out.
I hate players going down, pretending to be hurt and needing attention. It happens multiple times every game, especially defending a lead.
Absolutely. Play to the whistle. If the ref stops the game then fair enough, but the players should be told that the ref will only stop the game if he thinks someone is SERIOUSLY injured. If De Gea was injured then it clearly wasn't serious. Just play on.
If he was faking injury then shame on him and he got what he deserved, I am not sure he was though, I don't see what he was trying to achieve.
He's straight up afterwards quick kiss and cuddle to make it better and he's fine, I have no doubt he could have got up but thought he would get a cheap free kick. I think he thought it was an Arsenal player that stood on his foot.

Come on Arsenal
He's straight up afterwards quick kiss and cuddle to make it better and he's fine, I have no doubt he could have got up but thought he would get a cheap free kick. I think he thought it was an Arsenal player that stood on his foot.

Come on Arsenal
Could be, it's a cynical viewpoint though, but no surprise given what we watch week in week out.
I just can't stand Ronaldo, and I think a big part of it is the celebration.
Agreed. Never taken to the guy, don't think I ever will. Not so much the celebration but the overall level of narcissism which I find to be bordering on creepy. Doesn't help that his two main clubs have been ones I have nothing but dislike for as well. Can't wait for him to retire to be honest.