Timothy Spall

A brilliant screen actor. No matter who he plays, there's a unique skill he has. He does stillness so well and his eyes are always vulnerable enough to let the viewer in, you always feel for him.
Watched an awful awful film with Spall in the lead as an old codger with a bus pass doing Lands End to John Ogroats last month. Truly terrible. Spall spent the film gurning

Spalls son Raef is the better actor.
One of his finest moments. Beautifully acted and very moving. 10 minutes of perfection and not a word spoken.

Met him briefly as a minibus load of us were trying to find Selhurst Park. He was coming out of an antiques shop when we stopped to ask him directions. Looked embarrassed when we were shouting “Barry , where’s the ground “ but spent five minutes or so chatting to us before admitting that he wasn’t sure where the ground was ——Radish!!!!