This is a very hard thread to write


I’m recovering at home. I had heart surgery last Monday and now have a stent. The surgeon said there was a 95% blockage in a vessel and so the stent was fitted. I hated the surgery, I was awake for it but had local anaesthetic in the wrist/arm

Lots of people said I wouldn’t feel a thing but it felt like he was shoving a massive piece of rope into my wrist. It didn’t hurt much but did near the end. But then you see the tiny little cut in your wrist afterwards and you realise it was probably a tiny, tiny piece of super-fine wire being used. And what I remember most was a handful of occasions where I literally felt it, him, the surgeon, poking around in my heart. A tiny nudge, a tiny surge. It made me panic but each one lasted a second or two and then it stopped. But it was a completely wild experience.

I’ve been home since Tuesday, resting and recuperating. The snooker couldn’t have started at a better time. I take a few tablets each morning and night but it’s nothing really.

It feels mad that this two weeks ago I was literally lying in A&E trying to process being told I’d had a heart attack, possibly two. It’s so surreal. But I’m back now, and I actually feel better than I have done in years. I think I said earlier in the thread that I’d been carrying something around for months. Well those feelings are gone now. I can go for a walk without worrying about breathlessness, tightness in the chest, palpitations. It feels great.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread. It got me through a bad, dark, horrible time and I’ve very grateful and appreciative of all the support. It really helped, especially when I felt upset on the Sunday night and Monday morning, thinking about Lennie’s Lions and Cardiff and Steaua and Ravanelli. I wasn’t sure I was going to see the next Boro promotion at one point. But I’m sure I will now. This time next year.

Thank you to you all, and UTFB.
Well done viv...Great story...
Great news Viv. Good to get a positive update.

We are truly lucky to live in a country where this sort of thing can be sorted so quickly. Glad that you're on the mend