The state of our country, & perhaps the reason why !

I think I understand the OP. I see and work with working class people who think they aren't. On nights out, I see groups of people "enjoying " themselves without giving a damn about upsetting anyone around them. It's a me, me, me society that, in my opinion, changed around the 90's.
I have felt for quite a while now that the biggest problem is Socislism… not the actual ideology of it, but the realisation of some people, that it isn’t there to make just their lives better… some people can’t cope with the concept of looking after everybody by sometimes paying more into the system than others and getting less out than others…

I’ve been questioned why I loath the tories so much.. (I have voted for them in my past, but never again) I’ve been asked why I do, when I do ok out of the current system 🤷🏼‍♂️
they don’t seem to realise that me doing ok is pointless if my fellow citizens are struggling.. may be I could do more to help them, and if I had spare money I would…

how I help, is by not abusing the system, not claiming for things I’m not entitled to and paying all the taxes I have to without trying to avoid any (electric company car aside 😏)

may be I’ve just typed a load of guff but there you are, that’s why I think this country is struggling, peoples selfishness…