The kraken has fallen

Former Donald Trump attorney Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election subversion case, one day before her trial was set to start.

Prosecutors are recommending a sentence of six years probation. Powell will also be required to testify at future trials and write an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia.

Apology letter !!!!
Former Donald Trump attorney Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election subversion case, one day before her trial was set to start.

Prosecutors are recommending a sentence of six years probation. Powell will also be required to testify at future trials and write an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia.

Apology letter !!!!
"Soz like

Luv, Sidney xxx"

Can't wait for Trump to respond to this while playing an accordion.

He won't be able to keep his trap shut that's for sure. Getting ever closer to contempt of court (or whatever they have over there).
Most crimes can be determined minor in the good ole U.S of A, all you need is a large brown envelope (one, the size of which Harry Redknapp could only dream of), stuffed with C-notes.

Trump will be still be slippier than slippy, the slippiest and slitheriest of eels from the House of Slitherin.