The expanse - space sci-fi tv series

Best sci-fi since fringe and battlestar galactica for me 👌🏻 Didn’t see this thread before replying to the other one
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I started watching helix yesterday , it was made in 2015 and there’s 2 series out .
it’s actually about a virus 😆
It’s uncanny how we can now relate to these things now .
Watched 2 episodes, and yeah it’s got our attention.
not sure about the skinny guy on the hooks for 20 hours, accused for having some tech thing , I’m sure it will be explained though .
Tried to get into it a couple of times, but haven’t got past the first episode. I need to try harder.
AlzI,I’m exactly the same as you with the sopranos,
tried a few times but can’t get past episode 1 .
and game of throne, watched the first season only
I binge watched the first four series during Lockdown The First

I think the fact the latest season is the first properly episodic in nature (for me) has made it feel more soapy due to the time between seeing things play out. Also [minor spoiler alert] this is the first season after the culmination of the 'original' plotline, so it has diverged slightly from the direction it was taking and has broadened in scope (kind of like an expanse, if you'll forgive that crime against humour).

Not sure if that makes perfect sense but I reckon some of the earlier seasons would have felt more soapy had I not been blasting through them - they give their characters time to breathe but it can be too much sometimes.

Great show though. Well worth watching.

With the added bonus that it means you have Amazon Prime so you can also watch the full run of Archer.

scrote, archer the animated series ?