The "easy" pub quiz


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What country do Panama Hats come from?

How long did the hundered years war last?

What typs of animal is a Bombay Duck?

Which coutnries national anthem pledges allegiance to the king of Spain?

What is the usual colour of a black box flight recorder?

In what month does Oktoberfest traditionally start?

What animal were the canary islands named after?
And aren’t black boxes famously orange so they can be easily found in the debris of a crash?
Yup, they inventor gave it that name becuase he was inspiired by the RAF during the war,:if they carried any new technology in their planes they'd put them in a black box in the hopes the germans would struggle to find them if the plane was lost.
Something I have just found out: David Warren, who invented the black box, is buried in a coffiin that has a tag on it sayng FLIGHT REOCRDER INVENTOR: DO NOT OPEN
and by a quirk of history the Dutch pledge allegiance to the King of Spain.
That's the one that threw me when I first heard it. I knew it couldn't be the Spanish one as it famously doesn't have lyrics. But I assumed at would be a LATAM country given their colonisation. Didn't think closer to home
It is indeed. The were a lot of wild dogs, or canines, when the romans first visited and named it that.

Additional fact: the bird is named after the islands, not the other way round
9/10 ST, in fact the islands were first visited by the Spanish from Castile who were indeed impressed by the large dogs and gave the islands the Roman name Canariae Insulae. I suspect the large dogs were similar to the Podencos we have on the islands now. The romans didn't actually come, probably something to do with Brexit.