The correct way to pour beer


Well-known member
For the past few decades I've always put the glass at an angle and poured it down the side so there's no froth, until you get to the last bit when you tip it back up so you get about an inch of head

Then I saw something online saying that's all wrong cos you keep the gas in the beer and it makes you bloated and fart; you're meant to pour it direct so it goes all frothy and the gas escapes. So I've been experimenting with that method, which takes a while, but it's not easy doing a scientifically provable and repeatable fart test.
For the past few decades I've always put the glass at an angle and poured it down the side so there's no froth, until you get to the last bit when you tip it back up so you get about an inch of head

Then I saw something online saying that's all wrong cos you keep the gas in the beer and it makes you bloated and fart; you're meant to pour it direct so it goes all frothy and the gas escapes. So I've been experimenting with that method, which takes a while, but it's not easy doing a scientifically provable and repeatable fart test.
You would end up with a glass full of froth if you just poured it in, surely the tilted glass method is the best way to pour it.
The glass does get full of froth yes, but you walk away and a few mins later it's mostly dispersed. If I was in a pub I'd be frothing at how long it would take ;) but at home there's always something to do while I wait.
If you are unable to report your findings through being under the influence, try again tomorrow. ;)
Now that I've had a bit of an experimental beer pour it's obvious that this could be quite an involved research project. Loads of "pour height" and glass angle variables to work through. Then there's the different beers and their unique properties.

I'm up for it 🍺🤔
Now that I've had a bit of an experimental beer pour it's obvious that this could be quite an involved research project. Loads of "pour height" and glass angle variables to work through. Then there's the different beers and their unique properties.

I'm up for it 🍺🤔
I think we might have to split this into categories and share the workload. We could then get together, over a beer and share our findings. That is if we can remember.

We would also need to try the same pours indoors and out. ;)