Teesworks Scandal…

One of the key phrases in the summary:

"The role of the Prime Minister’s Anti-Corruption Champion has long been vacant, and in all truth had probably run its course."

So the investigation was hampered by a lack of reference points by a government that had deliberately removed the method for scrutiny. Have I got that right?
"Ironically, given the British tendency to assume corruption happens overseas but not at home, with the red flags that the report reveals, there can be no doubt that this project would not qualify for British overseas development aid." Oh dear
I had to laugh at a couple of quotes:

One of the panel’s recommendations said, if possible, the deal with the two businessmen should be renegotiated, to get “a better settlement” for taxpayers who have invested £560m in the clean-up and redevelopment of the site.

It might not prove that fruitful, though, if the expert report is correct. It said Jim Corney and Chris Musgrave saw “no prospect of renegotiating.”

Hey lads, I think we messed up, can we have some money back? Hello? Hello?
A friend of mine was working on plans for a aluminium recycling plant for Teesworks. The parent company are now thinking of building it in Billingham because they have been spooked by the corruption. At least if that happens the jobs will remain on Teesside but if companies start looking at other regions instead, it could be fatal for the regeneration ambitions of this area.