Supermarkets are the most common place to catch Covid-19 in England

Can I just reiterate again. They are not the most common place to catch covid. It even says that in the article. 20 odd percent of people who have covid have been to a supermarket, which is unsurprising as we have to eat food to survive. Nothing to do with people having bad habits in supermarkets.
Can I just reiterate again. They are not the most common place to catch covid. It even says that in the article. 20 odd percent of people who have covid have been to a supermarket, which is unsurprising as we have to eat food to survive. Nothing to do with people having bad habits in supermarkets.

Indeed - well said. Supermarkets get around 30m visits a week

You would have thought the OP would have changed the title instead of lifting it from The Sun and leaving it
I like the idea of home delivery but at the moment it’s just nice to get out for my sanity tbh and I can walk there. Probably drunk more wine this year than the last ten combined whilst I’ve been furloughed, she likes a Pinot and I like a Sav, not sure I would trust the online delivery to send me one I like if they didn’t have our favourites. I know someone that ordered a dvd with their online shop and it was out of stock so they sent a replacement item 🤦🏼‍♂️ tbf they got their money back and was told to keep the dvd but I think it was a dvd for their toddler and they sent something like Terminator 🤷🏼‍♂️

Naked Wines is the answer to your wine problem you've outlined.
Naked Wines is the answer to your wine problem you've outlined.

Have you looked at The Wine Society?
It is a cooperative and you have to be a member (you get the fee knocked off your order)
All profits then go back into the business and not owners/shareholders.
It also means you ought to get the best value wines.

They win tons of awards and have wines from just over a fiver right up to £££

I use them all the time
Many supermarkets across France are starting to install “intelligent disinfection cabins” or “tunnels” that promise to disinfect shoppers as they enter.

So there.👍
If they do then its not been adhered to

The guidelines are absolutely clear - on a shop floor, masks to be worn. If you are concerned call the police.
Or, twitter on a message board about it.

Bear in mind some people have exemptions.