Sunak says - 'we are at war with Russia'

What a pillock. Imagine he gets the PM gig.
"There's a call from the Russian Embassy Prime Minister... they just want to accept your declaration that the UK is at war with them like you said" They are sending gifts by air as we speak".
  • I don't want my daughters to grow up in a world where they need a visa or permit to work in Europe, or where they are hampered from growing a business because of extortionate call costs and barriers to trade. Every parent wants their children to grow up in a healthy environment with clean water, fresh air and thriving natural wonders. Being part of the EU helps protect these precious resources and spaces.
That is a very serious stayement for a senior government minister to make. Its not the sort of language that should be used without careful consideration.


Sunak says the cost of living crisis is the “most important issue facing all of us” but says he will not support Labour and Scottish Power’s call for an energy price cap freeze.

He says he will cut VAT off energy bills for everyone and provide extra help for people on low incomes and pensioners. “Through no fault of their own because we are at war with Russia with sanctions … it is right the government support those who need help,” he says.

Sunak reiterates that he rules out a freeze. He says the most important way to support small businesses is tax cuts, such as the employment allowance.

Mackay is now asking Sunak about his comments that NHS spending is “fine”. He asks how much of a pay rise he would give nurses. Sunak says:

I would listen to the review of the independent body.
He refuses to answer if he thinks nurses are worth more than a 5% pay rise and instead says he wants to tackle to issue of missed appointments. “I want to get tough on that,” he says.