Slovakian PM Robert Fico shot

Probably best to let this pan out and more information released before commenting too deep.

It is a concern that this could be a trigger for escalation in the region though.

Assassination in Sarajevo Mark II
Probably best to let this pan out and more information released before commenting too deep.

It is a concern that this could be a trigger for escalation in the region though.

Assassination in Sarajevo Mark II
Oh don't get me wrong, it's bad news for Eastern Europe.

Anyone who knows about Smer and their policies surely can't be too upset at what's happened to their leader, though.
Russia will not be in the frame for this one.
No, dodgy windows and poisoning are more their MO.

Good old fashioned attempted assassination by shooting - deffo not the Ruskies.

Don't think it would matter to Putin one bit if they were "mates".
Looking online it seems the suspect is pro-Russian and has strong links to paramilitary groups there.
Fico is against NATO supplying weapons to Ukraine.
CIA sticky little fingerprints all over it.
He’s a Slovakian Boris Johnson type - got a small amount of the national vote in September and formed a coalition and running on a ticket of no more money for Ukraine, let Russia have the Donbas region, not a single Muslim immigrant into Slovakian territory - he’s a putin sympathiser and populist authoritarian leader who is about to remove all the neutrality of the main broadcaster in Slovakia.
A putin type move.

Creating serious issues within the country because he only won a minority of the votes and doesn’t have a mandate for this type of extreme policies hence the division and he’s been calling opposition parties rats and pigs.

His party governed the parliament before the previous one and when he was beaten the winning party started prosecuting Fico’s party for widespread corruption.

Now fico has gained power once again he has relaxed corruption laws and very much aligned himself with Russia -
Challenging times given they are a nato member and a member of the European Union
Why the angst in the responses? This guy’s behaviour has strong parallels with Hitler’s in 1933 and after.
Precisely, I don't think people know too much about him to be honest. I didn't until I started posting in an Eastern European politics thread on an other forum I frequent.
The shooter has been arrested. He turned out to be 71-year-old Slovak writer Juraj Cintula, who was also an activist of the liberal party Progressive Slovakia. Before opening fire, the assailant shouted at Fico: “Robo, come here.”
Slovak PM Robert Fico: Noted critic of Western approach to Ukraine conflict
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Slovak PM Robert Fico: Noted critic of Western approach to Ukraine conflict

The party that Fico leads, Direction–Social Democracy (Smer), prevailed in the parliamentary elections last October. As a result, the 59-year-old triumphantly returned to the prime minister’s chair, which he had previously held from 2006-2010 and 2012-2018.

In his pre-election campaign, Fico clearly stated that Slovakia should not supply weapons to the Kiev regime. Upon becoming prime minister (just before a trip to the EU summit in Brussels), he immediately met with Slovak deputies and reiterated his foreign policy priorities. In particular, Fico noted that Bratislava would no longer be supplying weapons to Ukraine.

Today, Fico is one of the few leaders of an EU or NATO country who has expressed an alternate point of view on events in the world. RT has collected some of his quotes that have resonated globally.