Simon Clarke is coming for your human rights

The people of Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland can do the country a solid this year by defenestrating this insect. Looks like the kind of promising, eager accountant you wouldn't mind your daughter bringing home but that masks a heart of profound darkness.
The people of Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland can do the country a solid this year by defenestrating this insect. Looks like the kind of promising, eager accountant you wouldn't mind your daughter bringing home but that masks a heart of profound darkness.
Not so sure about that, he's already walked out on his wife and baby child for a mistress.
Shocking posting stuff about someone's family life, this board has really sunk to the bottom....
I'm reporting this 👎
It's been in the news Nobby. No need to get so uptight over it.

Shocking posting stuff about someone's family life, this board has really sunk to the bottom....
I'm reporting this 👎

This is what “politics” has come down to ffs. Local councillors gossiping like fish wives on message boards about MPs leaving their wives. It’s like reading the daily mail showbiz section 😂
Just been banned from twitter for suggesting someone pinch him in the face and claim "GBH law is just going to have to take a backseat "