Sell Morgan Rodgers in January

Rogers got nailed in the first few minutes so I’m guessing Ipswich did their homework on him and made sure they basically put him on 50 percent for the rest of the game.
I think he has potential - whether he realises that potential is another thing. He can run with the ball and take people on, he has an eye for a through ball and shown he can score goals too. What i have noticed is he tries to take too many players on sometimes and holds on to the ball too long at times as well. Far too early to write this lad off yet though.
Another woeful cameo of the bench I'm sure he lost the ball every time he touched it. Would rather we gave the opptunity to the youngsters atleast they would show passion for the badge
He has been **** so far apart from 1 or 2 decent performances.

I can't remember a boro player who loses the ball as often as he does.
Another woeful cameo of the bench I'm sure he lost the ball every time he touched it. Would rather we gave the opptunity to the youngsters atleast they would show passion for the badge
Did more than others though, put a few balls across the box and won a few corners.Not saying he was great, and made some errors but not sure why he gets singled out
Another woeful cameo of the bench I'm sure he lost the ball every time he touched it. Would rather we gave the opptunity to the youngsters atleast they would show passion for the badge
It’s not easy though coming on in a team that is playing so poorly. Literally every outfield player apart from VDB was having a below par game.
i think we’ve seen small glimpses of what he can offer, but he’s a raw talent that will show it more frequently with time. he reminds me of tav in that way actually. just needs a bit of patience because there is a good player in there
He'll hopefully develop more as an attacking player, still young so there's time. Decision making quite a big thing at present.

What he could improve on much more quickly is his off the ball work. Someone mentioned tav earlier. If he put in more of a tav level type shift I think folk would be a bit more forgiving.

As it is he's a bit of a luxury player who doesn't yet have the end product to justify it.
A spell on loan would be ideal but we'd need somebody in to replace him. He needs the type of run Coburn was given at Bristol Rovers (alongside an old head). He's got the attributes but they need assembling.
Did more than others though, put a few balls across the box and won a few corners.Not saying he was great, and made some errors but not sure why he gets singled out
Because self appointed "experts" have decided that he is. They are so far in the realm of confirmation bias as to be oblivious of anything good he may do. He tries to make the break through, he could play safe and tap it backwards and the same "experts" would analyse this as cowardice (or some such) you can also regularly hear them decrying Jones for not "taking his man on".
Needs to be given time, that's our model regarding developing players, but he is a MILE OFF right now. In possession he can be careless with distribution and appreciation of opposing players around him. He looks great when driving forward when he can see the game in front if him, but when receiving it in the pockets of space with players around him, he struggles.

His work out of possession is very poor, either doesn't press with the right intensity, or doesn't close the right spaces making it to easy to play through. Thought one of the reasons for the momentum shift last night (not the only one) was when Rodgers came on and all of a sudden Hull could play out far easier.
A few games ago it was "what a prospect" etc . Now he's rubbish apparently.It really does only take a couple of bad results/poor team performances for the "experts" (aka wazzocks) to come out and slag half the team off. Suddenly VDB is a genius in the making ... but it won't be long before he makes a couple of mistakes and he'll be getting sent out on loan by our FlyMe management team.

Honestly, we have people on here who go on other teams' boards after we've beaten them and take this **** out of their fans on here. Some of our "experts" (wazzocks) .... and I suspect most of us know who they are ... make this board a laughing stock.