Self Help and Personal Development Books

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker was brilliant I thought. Kind of changed my life. Not in a dramatic way but just explains the importance of sleep and rest. How your brain processes information and learning. So at work I no longer stress too much about frantically note taking since you are better listening properly and then waiting for your brain to process that information when you sleep. Then also wider health benefits like how your organs need sleep to operate. And all the ways to improve sleep and understanding your circadian rhythm.
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker was brilliant I thought. Kind of changed my life. Not in a dramatic way but just explains the importance of sleep and rest. How your brain processes information and learning. So at work I no longer stress too much about frantically note taking since you are better listening properly and then waiting for your brain to process that information when you sleep. Then also wider health benefits like how your organs need sleep to operate. And all the ways to improve sleep and understanding your circadian rhythm.
I was a really bad sleeper before beginning this, would go to bed at 2am and get up for work at 8. I'm only a few chapters in but I'm already trying to turn my sleeping pattern around and feel so much better for it.

What did you make of atomic habits. I watched a 20 min video the other day on YouTube

I definitely took a lot away from it and it's one of those where you could go back to it time and again and still take something away from it.

Saying that, I could see why some of the stuff may be more obvious for other who've looked into this kind of stuff before.
I definitely took a lot away from it and it's one of those where you could go back to it time and again and still take something away from it.

Saying that, I could see why some of the stuff may be more obvious for other who've looked into this kind of stuff before.
Totally agree with your comments about Atomic Habits (y)