Scientific advice

This scrutiny is removed when objectivity is not applied by using the "but all politicians are the same" blind argument.

Look at the post I replied to. It listed 3 Politicians as being liars and asked for the pattern. The pattern I suggested is that politicians are liars. If it had asked "Are these 3 people liars?" then the answer would have been yes. If I had answered, all Tory politicians are liars, would that have been acceptable? I presume it would have been. I could have also said all male politicians are Liars, all politicians that were Oxbridge educated are liars.

I am also fully aware that nothing that is said or done on this website constitutes holding the government to account. We couldn't have less impact.
I’m sure you’d agree that there are degrees of severity and consequence of lying though boromike85, and in this government we have some of the most prolific liars of any time in living memory, right at the top of the tree. They aren’t even good liars, but what’s sadder is that they don’t care if it’s pointed out that they are lying, because generally, apathy and partisan politics seems to mean many don’t care or have any interest in holding them to account. Too many fall back on the ‘all politicians are liars’ line, which is cop out.
Then why bother responding at all?

To be honest, the original response was a joke. It was clear that the post was angling for likes by playing to the crowd. I just pointed out something that isn't what they were after. I do agree that there are different degrees of lies but we shouldn't accept them because they come from "our side". Ideally politics would be much more honest. I think one of the problems is that politicians aren't allowed to admit they are wrong. Any admission of guilt results in them losing their job. It would be far better if they could say "We did x for reasons A, B & C. In hindsight we could have done better if we did Y". They'd get crucified though so it's better for them to pretend things never happened.

I don't know what the best way to hold the government to account is. The current method of an election every 5 years to validate everything they have done doesn't work.

Commenting on here doesn't hold the government to account just like it doesn't make Gibson appoint the manager we want or sign the players we want. It's just something to do isn't it?