Roy Hudd dies

Was just watching the Dads Army programme where he played Bud Flannagan singing the theme tune. Although he was only in it a short while it was a very good part and he made a big impression.
Rod Hull was trending on Twitter yesterday, many folks having got him confused with Roy Hudd. This country, eh? I mean, how is it even possible to confuse Rod Hudd with anyone?
Rod Hull was trending on Twitter yesterday, many folks having got him confused with Roy Hudd. This country, eh? I mean, how is it even possible to confuse Rod Hudd with anyone?
Yes some idiot on TV commented about the Emu. I suppose he thought he was being clever.

Roy had a natural funny rubbery face and just funny before he even spoke. Also played a good straight part in the singing detective.
Was on the chase not so long back and looked on top form