Recording Boro Brick Road at 11am

I hope mine is still visible, it was one with the light (gold) coloured inscriptions, ending in ‘Boro to the end’.
What's happening with the bricks Rob ?
We are recording them systematically - entering them into a spreadsheet and then once done can look at making that spreadsheet available to everyone via MFC. Then you could search and find your brick and maybe download it onto a mobile.
Mark Motley did a small test wash in one corner last summer, results were inconclusive. We will try and clean a bigger area. There are over 7000 bricks so it takes time to record them all. We might look at regular once hour sessions - if we can get enough volunteers. We record them a row at a time.
So, if you are interested in helping out - you can do a row off the plan in less than a hour.
Today's session - thanks to the recorders - from Boro Supporters 2020 an Middlesbrough Supporters Forum and Boro fans - many thanks - we are slowly and systematically working our way across the Boro Brick Road.

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Fantastic work. It will great to know if the bricks we have are still visible as I couldn't locate ours on our last look.
From someone who has a brick there, I thank you for your hard work. If I had read this earlier I would have loved to have helped out.
Keep up the good work Rob, et al.
Disappointingly I haven't been able to find my sons for a while! So I'm hoping its still visible!

The spreadsheet to help locate them is a great idea, thank you.
Disappointingly I haven't been able to find my sons for a while! So I'm hoping its still visible!

The spreadsheet to help locate them is a great idea, thank you.
Fortunately so far we have not been totally stumped by any brick. There are trickier ones to come. But in strong sunlight and close inspection you can read the majority of the bricks.
Hopefully we can organise regular sessions - and maybe people with bricks can drop in record a few names and look for their own bricks at the same time.
This is a great idea, we have a brick for my Dad, but it’s becoming harder to find and is increasingly faded. More than happy to send some details Rob, live in Oxfordshire so unlikely to be able to help physically record.

Are there any ideas to refurbish the bricks? Is that practical at all?
Would definitely be better placed on a wall and protected from the elements. Well done on the work to salvage.
The plan is once finished to try and carefully clean the bricks but taking professional advice first as it is a delicate operation.
Briconomics the company that delivered the brick road have told us a major refurb would mean the bricks being excavated and taken to a factory we have been quoted £40k minimum - but it would not be permanent. It could have to be done again in another decade or so.
Digging bricks up to place on a wall risks damaging lots of bricks and there are lots of other problems such as space etc it appears to be really difficult to do. But there is an alternative in a wall mosaic that we can discuss after this recording is completed.