r00fie1`s garden question time: logs ?


Well-known member
Pruned a very over-grown tree last year with some branches 8" in diameter.
Cut up smaller branches. Now left with what to do with them?
Only small garden, so can't really stack them anywhere.
Any idea if they can be used for raised beds or borders ......or bug hotels.
It will be a good while before they decompose.
Anyone any ideas?
Bug hotels yes. Raised beds, I'd imagine would need to be treated and would rot fairly quickly in contact with soil etc which is why people use railway sleepers, but even they rot.

Quite often people will come take them for free to use for wood burners

YOu could season them yourself and use them with a firepit if you have one.
Stack em in a corner or just leave them lying in overgrown spots to become habitat for creepy crawlies, hedgehogs and birds.
That's a good idea. There's a small corner which has never been used for much except for standing old flower tubs and bean cains. (y)
Stack em in a corner or just leave them lying in overgrown spots to become habitat for creepy crawlies, hedgehogs and birds.
That's the way if you have the space. I have a very large garden and have several large piles (ouch), from leaves to branches to logs that are no good for the fire. I don't burn or take any garden waste to the tip.