Pub Quiz Questions - help!


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So, as a result of winning the last quiz at my cricket club, I have to set the questions for this Friday and host - so come on, hit me up with your best quiz questions


General Knowledge
Current Affairs
Music intros
Picture round
Odd one out round. Show them pictures of Joe Strummer, John Peel, Chris Rea and Captain Sensible. One point each for identifying who they are. Two points for identifying the odd one out. Four points for identifying the reason (with a bit of discretion to hand out 1-3 points if they make a good attempt).
Do a music round based on intro’s and opening lines of songs or even verses mid song

E.g. Which song begins ….

I was out cruisin', gettin' late and I was losin'
When I saw you walkin' my way
So nonchalant, I bet you get what you want
But so do I and I ain't losin' today

You can mix it up with actual sound of the group or just words, need to pick reasonably well known ones mind
Picture round you usually have 9-10 people and a bonus point if you can guess what connects them all
Who is the only player to score in an English League Cup Final, FA Cup Final, UEFA Cup Final and Champions League Final?
I'm always a fan of "trick" questions like
How long did the hundred years war last
Where do Panama hats originate
Which country invented the French horn
Where is the Spanish riding school or Spanish steps.

That sort of thing
What are the last 'computerised' words spoken at the very end of the ELO track Mr Blue Sky and why?
The longest land border in the world is between the USA and Canada. What is the second longest?

Kazakhstan and Russia.

Who is the only actor to appear in the Star Wars, James Bond and Lord of the Rings film franchises?

Christopher Lee.
We helped a girl we know a geography round for her pub quiz, part of which was cities being further north/south etc of each other.

Which is more westerly; Edinburgh or Bristol?

Which is more northerly; London or Toronto?

Which is more southerly; New York or Rome?