press conference 2pm for Sheff Wed game


Staff member
You may have noticed that at the last press conference Michael Carrick mentioned all the roles of a manager/coach and psychologist was one to the players. Managers are aware of the weight/value of their words for fans but also players. Can they improve the morale of fans and players at the same time, not an easy thing to achieve when you are losing every game. Somehow he has to try and instil some confidence. He has to strike a balance patience and urgency. He has to appear calm but determined. Carrick will vent his emotions more freely in the immediate aftermath of a defeat but he today he has to appear re-focussed.

All obvious things I know, but a calm, usually unflappable figure not often given to emotional outbursts either in victory or defeat can this be a strength he needs to draw on now to break this alarming nose dive?

Just some thoughts this morning before the press conference - the proof will be in the pudding at Hillsborough tomorrow night - what a relief it would be if we could bring something back from south Yorkshire.
You may have noticed that at the last press conference Michael Carrick mentioned all the roles of a manager/coach and psychologist was one to the players. Managers are aware of the weight/value of their words for fans but also players. Can they improve the morale of fans and players at the same time, not an easy thing to achieve when you are losing every game. Somehow he has to try and instil some confidence. He has to strike a balance patience and urgency. He has to appear calm but determined. Carrick will vent his emotions more freely in the immediate aftermath of a defeat but he today he has to appear re-focussed.

All obvious things I know, but a calm, usually unflappable figure not often given to emotional outbursts either in victory or defeat can this be a strength he needs to draw on now to break this alarming nose dive?

Just some thoughts this morning before the press conference - the proof will be in the pudding at Hillsborough tomorrow night - what a relief it would be if we could bring something back from south Yorkshire.
The proof of the (South Yorkshire) pudding will be in the eating.
Reporters must be tired of asking the same questions, and Carrick must be tired of answering the same questions.
I'd ask him about the thinking behind subs. Why leave it so late to bring Coburn on? Why not get Jones on at all?

Can you pass on we are all hoping it turns round but we are feeling awful at the moment. Us oldies on the train home on Saturday were thoroughly miserable.
We will start to get cut adrift with the loss today & gibson will come out & do what is needed as the ship is sinking fast.
All Rob's questions usually get asked by journos before he gets a chance.
Probably best to come up with about 20 possible questions then really, like proper questions. Not always comments on the fans. We know what he thinks of the support
he already said that McGree wasn't selected to start because of the international travel
Dieng, RVDB, Lenihan and Hackney all had international travel and all started. Silvera made the exact same trip as McGree and came on ahead of him.
Probably best to come up with about 20 possible questions then really, like proper questions. Not always comments on the fans. We know what he thinks of the support
Yes but I ask last - I should have taken a photo of all the questions I prepared last time and the crossings out. lol
It is usually the newspaper reporter before me that asks the same things. I think yes.. I have a new line here and then the Echo person says one last question... am thinking don't ask,,, don't ask.. and they do..
Cross it out and start again for me.
Paul Dews says Rob have you got any questions - quickly think of something else...