POINT BLANK TEESSIDE ---> #32 out now.

Ladies and gentlemen, the brand new edition of Teesside's best music publication is out now.

Download PDF #32 from: www.pointblankteesside.com

Interviews with: Rudi Betamax, EMU, Agrajag Guitars, Simon Taylor, Snide Remarks, Nice Guy and many, many more.

Features on: Dylan Cartlidge, The Nightingales, Ceiling Demons, The Strawberry Mynde and more.

Loads of columns and bits and pieces to boot. Check it out.
Cheers Carlos, a great video that and one I'd not actually seen before!

As I wrote in my column, I'm no real JC expert but the more I'm getting into him the more I love him.

Incidentally, just after I'd written the column, I found myself with a ticket to see a JC tribute act at Billingham Forum a couple of weeks back. The performer is officially endorsed by the Cash family, so he comes with credentials. Really enjoyable evening.