'Ordinary' Teesside Characters

From my time working in the bookies (2002-2005)

Shaky Paul
Wiggy Bri
disco dennis from redcar a.k.a. dennis wick and his pet dog polly aged 6 1/4
bubbles from boro legendary karoke singer
alice bunn, the queen of south bank
colin from boro x factor .. also called bod to his mates, another teesside legend
Frank Wilson and Stuart Johnson. With SRIF they put the region on the arts map. Then, unfortunately, someone moved the map. And FW was (is) a huge Hartlepool fan.
Thanks everyone - just to clarify - I'm looking for people 'no longer with us' in the sense, no longer alive. All great names though - and I echo Frank and Stu - but am delighted to say they are both live and kicking last time I chatted to them both!
Thanks everyone - just to clarify - I'm looking for people 'no longer with us' in the sense, no longer alive. All great names though - and I echo Frank and Stu - but am delighted to say they are both live and kicking last time I chatted to them both!

That's good to hear. I last bumped into Frank in London as he was promoting Chinese performers in Trafalgar Square. It's longer since I've seen Stuart, but heard of his and his sons' activities through vague contact with his ex wife.

Oh, and sadly Wally K Daly has recently joined your list.
I understand your reasoning but both are characters that really interest me. Vin in particular who I collaborated with on many occasions. Frankie.... I just think had something very atypical Teesside about him. The show isn't about people who necessary helped others... indeed you'll find there will be a few wrong'uns in there. It is about people from the community who stood out. I hope you come and enjoy it for what it is... a reflection of precious days and Teesside memories.
Typical, or atypical?