Oppenheimer Film

Completely agree with this and I mentioned it in the original thread after someone explained they would have liked to have seen the bombs go off.

We've all seen the images and if you're really that inquisitive, they're only a couple of Google searches away. The cinematic effect of Oppenheimer's response was perfect.
I understand the point some posters are making about seeing to reaction in the face of Oppenheimer, it is powerful and I would include it and is well done. but we have to remember when people saw the images in 1945 or soon after (if they were censored), they were images that had never be seen before. I wanted to be in the position of the person viewing in 1945, not 2023, to put myself in their 1940s minds. I was not bothered about seeing the bomb explode, its what it does to humans sometimes years afters that eats on my soul. (The eating of my liver daily, by eagles, while I am tied to a rock, in the Promethus legend)
How years of mathematical calculations we were shown on blackboards have concluded. The Film maker (Nolan) did cleverly use some melting faces superimposed onto family members (I think) a bit later in the film. which felt like nightmares in Oppenheimer's head of what the future could be. Maybe this also was the torture (by Zeus) of Promethus, the thief of fire, in Greek legends.
Interesting Red, my assupmtion was always oppenhiemer struggled with this, end the war in the pacific and save american lives, whilst killing tens of thousands of civillians.

I am not even sure how I feel about it. I have used the argument with americans, that they want to be the world police. Yet they are the only country in the world to use a nuclear weapon in anger. Thats difficult to justify.

One things for certain, its one of those technologies you wish you could uninvent.

In any event I will be awaiting it streaming, unless I can find a mate who wants to see it with me.
Laughing you live not that far from Berkhampstead or St Albans. It’s perfectly good to enjoy those boutique cinemas with a glass of wine and watch on your own?

Saw it at the Odyssey last night. My wife wasn’t keen to watch it. The film needed full concentration for the first hour or so of the film with the time switching, nuclear fission theories and his relationships with women. Once the Los Alamos bomb development kicked in it turned from a biopic into a thriller. Great acting from all. The only cheesy hackneyed character I thought was Oldman’s Truman depiction. I particularly loved the tonal change from triumphalism to despair very quickly after the Japan bombings take place.

The electronica music was dramatic if a little too loud that I found it occasionally obscured the dialogue. The sound system at the Odyseey was tested to its limits.
Interesting Red, my assupmtion was always oppenhiemer struggled with this, end the war in the pacific and save american lives, whilst killing tens of thousands of civillians.

I am not even sure how I feel about it. I have used the argument with americans, that they want to be the world police. Yet they are the only country in the world to use a nuclear weapon in anger. Thats difficult to justify.

One things for certain, its one of those technologies you wish you could uninvent.

In any event I will be awaiting it streaming, unless I can find a mate who wants to see it with me.
the first time you do it, it is a bit weird but solo cinema going is the correct way to do it. Very rare you have to sit next to someone who pinches your popcorn
Watched the film again last night. I don't think I ever done that before i.e watched the same film (3 hours) twice in a week. This time I could put dates on everything (as the film jumped around like an atom) which increased my understanding especially all the politics after 1945.
My wife isn't a fan of the cinema so I often go on my own. Usually a very decent experience (we have a pick of independents in Sheffield)

Watched Oppenheimer at the Curzon and booked a seat on a sofa (for 2) thinking it would be unlikely anyone would purchase to share a sofa with a complete stranger. Low and behold a guy rocks up five minutes before 😂 I think the ticket desk sold him a ticket without realising. Was a less comfortable 3 hours than I'd hoped but the film more than made up for it.
My wife isn't a fan of the cinema so I often go on my own. Usually a very decent experience (we have a pick of independents in Sheffield)

Watched Oppenheimer at the Curzon and booked a seat on a sofa (for 2) thinking it would be unlikely anyone would purchase to share a sofa with a complete stranger. Lo and behold a guy rocks up five minutes before 😂 I think the ticket desk sold him a ticket without realising. Was a less comfortable 3 hours than I'd hoped but the film more than made up for it.
Haha. At one point there is a sudden explosion - can imagine you both jumping into each others arms at that point.
Watched the film again last night. I don't think I ever done that before i.e watched the same film (3 hours) twice in a week. This time I could put dates on everything (as the film jumped around like an atom) which increased my understanding especially all the politics after 1945.

I went to see the same film twice (Terminator Genisys) on consecutive nights as I was dating two girls at the same time who both wanted to see it. I had to pretend I hadn't seen it on the second night.
I enjoyed the film very much.

I remember once asking my Dad, who was quite liberal and anti-war, what he thought at the time when they dropped the A bomb on Japan. He said that most people, including him, saw it as a good thing because it meant the end of the war.

He thought differently when the actual horror of it was revealed. As did Oppenheimer himself.