Oil prices dip below zero!

Things will change, your offices and shops, cars, routines wont be the same, we will have to find something to do for more than a third of the working people. Not as many people in the offices when they return due to social distancing, lots of service industry and advertising jobs gone completely.
Bars and pubs gone completely, the whole econonmy will change, perhaps even the USAs grip on things will be gone and a more equitable planet, thats safer and greener will emerge.

More recycling and re using of materials and less travel, if at all, from your own patch, humans have been polluting and ruining things and treating each other as slaves or worthless for too long.

If things arent shared they will be taken off them anyway.

Things will change.

America doesn't have the grip on most material things. They're either Chinese or produced in sweat shops in the middle/far east
I doubt very much will actually change but I’d hope any ties we have with China do .

But most of the times people’s habits don’t . I do get a feeling the economy will improve faster than previous down turns though .