Newcastle Fans in Milan

I really enjoyed Valencia when we played Villareal, the crazy night in Amsterdam when we played AZ Alkamaar but Bucharest was the favourite place I visited with the Boro. It was so laid back after the trouble we had all faced in Rome.
Milan's ok, but there are a number of cities in Italy I'd rather visit I think.

I enjoyed the castle: frequent displays explaining how they'd made it more and more impregnable over time, followed by lists and lists of countries that had conquered and occupied it. I didn't get the impression that the Milanese were great soldiers.
I really enjoyed Valencia when we played Villareal, the crazy night in Amsterdam when we played AZ Alkamaar but Bucharest was the favourite place I visited with the Boro. It was so laid back after the trouble we had all faced in Rome.
Our taxi dropped us off right outside the away end. A Romanian copper told us to take our Boro shirts off as we tried to find the away end, so we were walking about shirtless. Wasn't a good look.
Our taxi dropped us off right outside the away end. A Romanian copper told us to take our Boro shirts off as we tried to find the away end, so we were walking about shirtless. Wasn't a good look.
Similar to yourself, we also got dropped off at the home end and the owner of this board was getting in a taxi and wouldn’t let us get in with him. We had to walk right round the ground which wasn’t as easy as it sounds, especially with a drink in us. 😜
Fair play to them, seen a few videos and they look like they're having a quality time.

One of the my biggest wishes is that I was a bit older when we were in Europe. I was only 16/17 so only managed to get to Roma away. Genuinely up there with the best few days of my life, despite getting caught bang in the middle of the trouble in the Square the night before. Still hear so many stories of the away trips to Ostrava, Stuttgart, Lisbon, Alkmaar, Graz over those years from older mates/cousins and feel jealous every single time!
I really enjoyed Valencia when we played Villareal, the crazy night in Amsterdam when we played AZ Alkamaar but Bucharest was the favourite place I visited with the Boro. It was so laid back after the trouble we had all faced in Rome.
We got threatened in a strip club by the owners. Asked the taxi driver for a nightclub he took us to a strip club

Demanded - load of money, tried to tell them
We didn’t have it, said would keep hold of
One is while we went and got it

Stumped up the money there and then, as had dollars on me, as we went out of the club ran,
And a car backfired and we thought we were getting shot at 🤣🤣
Similar to yourself, we also got dropped off at the home end and the owner of this board was getting in a taxi and wouldn’t let us get in with him. We had to walk right round the ground which wasn’t as easy as it sounds, especially with a drink in us. 😜
We were late getting to the ground and still had a bit to go and the Romanian Riot police shot us into the back of their van and took us to the Boro end even though my ticket was for the home end lol
I really have discounted Newcastle as a rival as clearly they have hit the jackpot with the blood money . Not even on my radar football wise .... love the toon for record shops like
One of my lifes regrets is that I never went to any of the European away games. I had just movd to London, first time living away from home, first time renting and I was skint and working hard to forge a new career. Work didn't really allow much chance to get time away either though my dad went to a few games with mates back in Boro.

All these years on and with circumstances totally different, I would now be able to work flexibly to go to pretty much any European country. I would love it if we get that opportunity again in my lifetime so I could take my lads
If the Skunks previous sojourns into European football are repeated, then it will be a short lived affair.

Also, AC Milan have always been my second favourite team, after Boro of course.🤩
