Names for your work colleagues….

Pot Hole - the one everyone tries to avoid…

Motion-light - only works when someone walks by…

Kit-Kat - always on a break…

Blister - shows up when all the hard work is done…

Alexa - has an answer for everything…

Any others?
Bog Brush - His head was full of sh*t.

Also worked somewhere where the nicknames were more descriptive but sometimes lost in time.

Pockets - Easy, he always had his hands in his pockets.
Quango - Don't know where this came from. Later his son started work so Quango became Papa Quango and his son Baby Quango.
I used to work at Cleveland Cable from the mid 90s to the mid thousands and every single person had a nickname. Most are brutal and not to be shared on a message board, just in case !
When working at a fund dealing job at an insurance company. We had a kid "Tyler" on a year long work experience placement. He was a big lad, looked a bit like Lurch, but was as thick as mince. He was keen and wanted to be on the dealing phones, but we couldnt trust him so had to find him lots of admin jobs to do. He became known as Tyler the filer.
One of the Directors I worked for was given the name ‘Mirrors’. It was because every time you asked him anything he often replied ‘I’ll look into it’.

My very favourite one I’ve heard was from a mate who worked with an attractive looking lass who wasn’t very bright, she was referred to as ‘Lava Lamp’ by the blokes in the office
There was a bloke with one leg longer than the other which gave him an unusual walk. He was known as Big John Little John.