Nadine Shah fillng in for Guy Garvey


Well-known member
She's the third and final guest presenter and I think she's knocked it out out of the park. Great presenting, great music plus Anthony Bourdain and Jay Rayner talking about food. Definitely a recommended listen. I've enjoyed the others, but this has easily been my favourite.
Yes, my heart sank a little bit when I heard Garvey wasn't presenting, but they were all good.
She's the third and final guest presenter and I think she's knocked it out out of the park. Great presenting, great music plus Anthony Bourdain and Jay Rayner talking about food. Definitely a recommended listen. I've enjoyed the others, but this has easily been my favourite.
How did they manage to get Anthony Bourdain on? 😲
Anybody who starts with Brian Jonestown Massacre followed by The Stooges can put her feet up after that as you don't need to do anymore to earn your wage.

Thanks for the heads up. Got it on now.
I thought she was excellent: both music wise and presenting.

I'm not a massive fan of Guy Garvey from Elbow though.
Listened to it again cooking tea and the musical choices have gone even higher in my estimation. I look forward to GG being off again.
He's back! And currently playing Hurry On Sundown by Hawkwind which doesn't get nearly enough plays.
Sorry bizarre tangent to Garvey.

My sister in law was a professional dancer in her younger days and regularly hired by bands to dance on stage at gigs. The Lotus Eaters hired her for an appearance on Top of the Pops - she is the one on the right of the pair.
