More Ben Houchen dishonesty

Martin Corney, who alongside Chris Musgrave, is one of the two businessmen who now own Teesworks, has an Albanian son-in-law, Orion Kotrri, who runs the day to day management of the removal and resale of all the scrap and reusable plant on the site, this scrap and plant have thus far raised £94 million, all of which has gone to companies owned by Corney and Musgrave.

Nobody wants Teesworks to fail or wants the area to be held back, but by the same token nobody can be happy about the way business has been conducted on the site, the lack of openness and transparency, the lies that have already been uncovered puts the whole venture in doubt as no investor will want to be associated with something mired in cover up and corruption.

No doubt the blame will be on those asking the questions rather than those providing unsatisfactory answers, this is not about Party politics it's about a generational investment opportunity being prioritised for the benefit of friends and associates rather than guaranteeing long term job security for the area.

Kotrri, has no previous experience in this line of business, and Teesworks can offer no explanation on how he got such an important role, which in itself is worrying and telling of the lack of due diligence being carried out, hopefully the audit that isn't an audit will shed some light on what looks an increasingly murky business.
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Martin Corney, who alongside Chris Musgrave, is one of the two business who now own Teesworks, has an Albanian son-in-law, Orion Kotrri, who runs the day to day management of the removal and resale of all the scrap and reusable plant on the site, this scrap and plant have thus far raised £94 million, all of which has gone to companies owned by Corney and Musgrave.

Nobody wants Teesworks to fail or wants the area to be held back, but by the same token nobody can be happy about the way business has been conducted on the site, the lack of openness and transparency, the lies that have already been uncovered puts the whole venture in doubt as no investor will want to be associated with something mired in cover up and corruption.

No doubt the blame will be on those asking the questions rather than those providing unsatisfactory answers, this is not about Party politics it's about a generational investment and opportunity being prioritised for the benefit of friends and associates rather than securing any long term job security for the area.

Kotrri, has no previous experience in this line of business, and Teesworks can offer no explanation on how he got such an important role, which in itself is worrying and telling of the lack of due diligence being carried out, hopefully the audit that isn't an audit will shed some light on what looks an increasingly murky business.
Good post. The cronyism is transparent. We can see it in the giving of the contract to a family member and a highly dubious appointment it is. Giving contracts to son in laws is bad enough but when you can’t even justify why he got it other than being family? Well that’s criminal.
Reminiscing about Dennis Skinner in Parliament.

Skinner: “Half the Tory members opposite are crooks”

House of Commons Speaker: “The honourable member MUST withdraw that remark”

Skinner: “OK, half the Tories are not crooks”

It's true you can't paint all Tories with the same brush but you'll get most of them.
I tend to agree with @Rofesleg on this one. It's a certain type of person thing.

Granted, that type of person would seem generally to gravitate towards the right politically but there are plenty of examples of cronyism and corruption on the left.

Greed is a great leveler.
I think you will find it’s a majority in the Tory party. Just off the top of my head there’s Zahawhi buying land on the Freeport’s site in Kent in his wife’s name, there’s tipping off donors to short the pound before Kwartang’s kamikazi budget, which people in “ The City” would be banged up for. The likelihood is it will be a bottomless pit but as their mates own most of the mainstream press there’s probably not enough journalists with enough integrity left to chase these stories up. Look at how much Private Eye has unearthed on Teesworks alone, it shouldn’t be down to people on message boards to dig on the internet for this stuff.
You can’t be serious? Spoke like a true Tory apologist.

Are you on houchens payroll?
I get the fact people have differing political views and would lean towards the Tories but how anyone with a scrap of dignity or self respect can vote for this corrupt shower beggars belief. I can only surmise that they are like a family member of mine who although amenable in every other way would vote for Jimmy Seville’s corpse and sell everyone on this message board down the river if there was a quid in it for them.