Middlesbrough Development Corporation - Ben Houchen's Charter City

On the contrary, if you want to attract people to the town centre, you need a planned integrated transport system. If people don't want the "Marton Crawl" every morning or being sardines on the train from Nunthorpe, they will look at jobs elsewhere. Unfortunately, most people in Middlesbrough today, don't live in the middle of town with an iron-works and a pub at the end of the street. You have to consider Middlehaven, the College, the University and access to the facilities in the Town. The town centre needs reinvigorating and reinvestment, but whilst its easier to get to Teesside Park, people won't go into Middlesbrough Centre. Times have moved on, and those offices have stood empty for many years. You dont make investment attractive without a modern, effective transport system, which caters for feet and wheels. It's essential, definitely not a "red herring".
The government funds Ben Houchen to sort out the Transport infrastructure for the Tees Valley.
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The government funds Ben Houhen to sort out the Transport infrastructure for the Tees Valley.
It will take a lot more to change 40 years of deregulation and privatisation than Ben Houchen. Stagecoach aren't going to replace their buses, or Arriva their disgusting aged fleet, or Northern their ageing Class 158`s because of Ben Houchen. It needs a joined up approach, not him.
It will take a lot more to change 40 years of deregulation and privatisation than Ben Houchen. Stagecoach aren't going to replace their buses, or Arriva their disgusting aged fleet, or Northern their ageing Class 158`s because of Ben Houchen. It needs a joined up approach, not him.
Ben has promised a driverless rail free tram (bus) service around town and trains every 5 to 7 minutes throughout the region though.
Transport is a bit of a red herring - those buildings supported large volume of people before without a problem - multiple New build office blocks have popped up in town without a problem - there just no will or money to invest in these buildings to either knock them down and replace with something that will be used, or ideally convert them into residential/other uses
Public transport is a massive factor in any city infrastructure. It was better 20 years ago and the new offices are not close to the size of the older unused ones. More people drive these days and parking spaces if anything have reduced even without Zetland being sold off and possibly demolished within a few years. Then there’s the fact more people have moved further away from the town centre as the town has expanded outwards.
Some of those buildings will have to be demolished before they fall down. :mad:

He is aleady talking about demolishing The Crown but keeping the façade even before the survey is done. So looks like he has already decided.

From The Gazette article linked below.
"It's an eyesore and it's on such a strategic and important site," said Lord Houchen. They recognise the nostalgia associated with the building, he said, and will consider the possibility of retaining the facade and style. The plans for Gresham are likely to include a multi-storey car park at the site which would provide a "ready-made" facility if the Crown became a hotel, he added.

It was previously discussed by the MDC board that the Crown was in such a state of disrepair that a survey itself may be too expensive to complete. However this was later deemed not to be the case and the survey was procured.
He is aleady talking about demolishing The Crown but keeping the façade even before the survey is done. So looks like he has already decided.

From The Gazette article linked below.
"It's an eyesore and it's on such a strategic and important site," said Lord Houchen. They recognise the nostalgia associated with the building, he said, and will consider the possibility of retaining the facade and style. The plans for Gresham are likely to include a multi-storey car park at the site which would provide a "ready-made" facility if the Crown became a hotel, he added.

It was previously discussed by the MDC board that the Crown was in such a state of disrepair that a survey itself may be too expensive to complete. However this was later deemed not to be the case and the survey was procured.
Gurney House looks like some of those old metal windows will fall out if they are not careful.
Lord Houchen is a sore and an embarrassment.
And another "car park", which will really encourage the use of public transport and reduce congestion in the middle of town, won't it? Not!(n)
Transport is a bit of a red herring - those buildings supported large volume of people before without a problem - multiple New build office blocks have popped up in town without a problem - there just no will or money to invest in these buildings to either knock them down and replace with something that will be used, or ideally convert them into residential/other uses
When I worked for a bank one of our offices got moved into the town centre, was definitely a problem vs being on an ind estate office with free parking. We don't have parking and traffic issues because these offices are empty, if you add 3-4 office blocks filled with people without additional parking and better public traveller, it will definitely eat up any reasonable / free parking and leave expensive stuff. Few quid a day adds up fast
Speaking of transport - who are you supposed to complain to about bus timetables not being up to date on bus stops? Most of the stops on the 17, 17a, 17b route still haven't been updated with the new times and it changed in around January. The stop near the town hall had the electric part not working properly last week and said see timetable which was obviously months out of date. Oxford Road had a temporary closure a few months back while the road was being dug up and they still have signs up saying this stop is closed till further notice which was also over a month ago since it re-opened. It's like no-one even bothers updating things any more.
Speaking of transport - who are you supposed to complain to about bus timetables not being up to date on bus stops? Most of the stops on the 17, 17a, 17b route still haven't been updated with the new times and it changed in around January. The stop near the town hall had the electric part not working properly last week and said see timetable which was obviously months out of date. Oxford Road had a temporary closure a few months back while the road was being dug up and they still have signs up saying this stop is closed till further notice which was also over a month ago since it re-opened. It's like no-one even bothers updating things any more.
This service (17) is very poor now. 25% of its buses were removed recently and the last bus back from boro to Thornaby is 9.40. Dont even think about going out on a Sunday!