Microsoft share point

You wouldnt use / generate a spreadsheet via Sharepoint, surely ?

Sharepoint is a content management system, and so the spreadsheet would be in Excel not SP. Perhaps if you explain a bit more about what you're trying to do it may help identify the issue ?
I want a working spread sheet in excel

an excel spread sheet with macros which has select boxes with gated logic needs to be replicated on excel
I think what you are trying to achieve is to get sharepoint to, based on content components, generate actionable spreadsheets?

That being the case you need to create a custom publisher that would take components and generate the excel sheet from that content. The server would need excels com+ installed (assuming excel still uses that old technology) and that is what the sharepoint publisher would hook into.

If this is what you are trying to achieve, I wouldn't bother unless you wanted to generate dozens of them and be able to translate them. There are easier ways to do this.
I think what you are trying to achieve is to get sharepoint to, based on content components, generate actionable spreadsheets?

That being the case you need to create a custom publisher that would take components and generate the excel sheet from that content. The server would need excels com+ installed (assuming excel still uses that old technology) and that is what the sharepoint publisher would hook into.

If this is what you are trying to achieve, I wouldn't bother unless you wanted to generate dozens of them and be able to translate them. There are easier ways to do this.
I think what you are trying to achieve is to get sharepoint to, based on content components, generate actionable spreadsheets?

absolutely correct