Love Is...

Whether you're 20 and starting in life
Whether to 30 you've grown
Whether to 40, a husband or wife,
Whether you're 50, a Darby and Joan
There's one thing certain that you'll have to own...

Love is the sweetest thing
What else on earth could ever bring
Such happiness to ev'rything
As Love's old story.

Love is the greatest thing
The oldest yet, the latest thing
I only hope that fate may bring
Love's story to you.

Ray Noble.

Those of a certain vintage will remember a great version by Peter Skellern (y)
Eeeeeee, a luv Steve Gibson me lyke.
A told ya that bloke wouldnt last as long as me, tha knows....😉
I honestly feel when you love someone Their needs and wants become you're primary focus...and in a good relationship the opposite applies from them to you
This morning -

Sausage and runny egg roll with lashings of black pepper, washed down with a mug of English Breakfast tea