Lockdown in NI extended until April

I fully support the previous lockdowns, until we got the 15m vaccinated, and had time to get some antibodies built up, but this seems a bit strange (and silly) saying this already, it's 6 weeks away.

By the 8th March nearly everyone at risk will have had at least 3 weeks worth of immunity/ antibodies built up, and we will have had 3 weeks of further case decreases by then. By the 8th that's also another 10m or so vaccinated.

Why not say nothing, assess in a few weeks and just go to tiers and work it from there? We will know by then how many over 70's are going to hospital (which will be a lot less) and new deaths will probably dry up.

Unless April 1st if going to just be a full de-restriction with zero back tracks (which could be more risky).