Just been made redundant

two of the best jobs I had were on the back of redundancies. That's not to belittle it. It's sh!te. You will be OK. Everyone needs a better command of English for copy than they have. Cant spell possesses ;)
Thanks for all the messages and warm regards, it’s been very comforting reading through those across the afternoon. I think a lot of my team are very shocked, upset, angry, as you would expect but I’m sure we’ll all come back stronger in the coming weeks. It’s part and parcel of retail isn’t it.
Part and parcel of life, unfortunately. Park the anger and upset for interviews. Go with "unfortunate and keen to show worth". Very best of luck to you all
Yeah they seem to be. I’ve been at current company since Feb last year though so been a decent stint. We are currently training a company from India to come in and take all our jobs. Fun I know.

I’m currently a procurement administrator but previously the 2 roles before that I’ve been an assistant buyer. Very similar roles to be fair
Wow…training someone to take your job from India 😮
I heard JM were shedding….im in the procurement game..
I have a friend there who reckons he is at risk but he is of an age where he isn’t bothered…
Sorry to hear that viv - it is the way of the world these days unfortunately. How many people stay in one job for life now? How many have multiple jobs to try to make ends meet? I've read some real horror stories about the USA and the lack of any rights for workers, often they will work a trial period and it is simply there for the company to get over a heavy period and the work was never real opportunity and they just get cards & a cheerio once the work dies down. At least seasonal work is honest in the UK - you know it is just for Christmas, summer or whatever.
I hope you get into something that’s right for you soon. Plus side, you’re in the right part of the country. Down side, no one wants to go through that.
Best wishes and positive thoughts to you and the other people there. Awful corporate nonsense, all of it.