Johhny Depp suing The Sun, have you seen their front page?!


Active member
If you ever needed an example of how pathetic tabloids and journalists can be just go to the Suns mobile website and have a look.

Depp is suing the Sun after they headlined him as a wife beater despite having zero evidence to back it up. Its since transpired that she was actually abusing him and is looking at facing charges for it in the US.

The Sun have behaved exactly as you would expect. Multiple front page headlines which they have picked out from the case so far regarding some (granted) unsavoury but necessary evidence.

Not only that but other tabloids have decided to wade in to obviously try and put anybody off trying to sue them in the future. They spend the majority of the time attacking each other (papers) but as soon as a celeb tries to hold one of them accountable for the utter nonsense they spew, they suddenly all stick together.


Ps, im not jumping to Depps defense. I dont think he is a completely innocent party but its clear that he has been the victim of abuse from the tapes that have been aired already.
Our tabloid press are a disgrace. They have damaged our national conversation so much - the way people speak to each other, the lack of critical thought apparent and the mean-spiritedness so apparent everywhere you look - all down to them. And this is what happens when anyone dares challenge them. Imagine what they'd do to any one of us who was unfortunate enough to become famous. None of us have led entirely blameless lives and they come waving big money in front of anyone you didn't get on with - ex-partners, ex-mates, anyone - to get their help in destroying any 2-bit celeb they've got down as a punchbag this week. Anyone who buys a tabloid helps keep this shoite going imo.
It's basically a trashy celeb magazine, it's a shame it has such a sway on the general feeling of the country.

I would say not so much a shame but tragic. Social media is just as bad. The Jodie Comer stuff for example this week is just bewilderingly crass.
Some of the recent tweets by Sun journalists. He has tweeted twice since January but today he is tweeting furiously!

I just checked and the Sun have
Published 12 negative articles about Johnny Depp in the last 24 hours.

I have quite a lot of respect for Depp for going through with this.

He knew he was going to get attacked like this in the media and he knew he would face some stuff in court. On top of that there is a stigma attached to a man who is a victim of domestic violence from a woman.

Takes some guts and principles when he could easily just ignore it.
I have quite a lot of respect for Depp for going through with this.

He knew he was going to get attacked like this in the media and he knew he would face some stuff in court. On top of that there is a stigma attached to a man who is a victim of domestic violence from a woman.

Takes some guts and principles when he could easily just ignore it.
He will ultimately win and it will be glorious. Hope that little turd Wooten is dragged down with the sun too. A face you would you love to slap.