Joaquin Phoenix Oscar's speech

If it gets some people to think and act differently - good
If everyone dismisses it like you then he's achieved nothing other than trying - which is something in itself
I listened to what he said and thought afterwards who is he to preach? He’s a thespian.
Don’t get me wrong I think people like Greta Thunberg, Sir David Attenborough do the world a service but not lovie flamboyant speeches like that. For a start he should have refrained from using 4 letter words that meant some of his speech was bleeped out.
It’s not that he is an actor. He’s entitled to a view as much as the next one. But yes his speech was littered with swearing which meant a lot of the press focussed on the censorship required rather than any message he was trying to convey. In that respect he failed.
just realised I posted the wrong video - that was his Golden Globes speech.
I'm trying to get his Oscar speech from last night (its around 3 mins long) can't seem to find the right link ?
Thanks Cardiff - that was the gist of it (and no bad language too) . There is a longer version too where he gets really emotional about his brother.
I watched the Oscar presentations live this morning (including JP's acceptance speech) and was thinking I must have been more phished than I realised.
I agree with Gervais. Get your award, thank who needs to be thanked and celebrate the fact that you've achieved something. I don't like the whole political, do-gooder wokeness that seems to be necessary in an acceptance speech these days. It's not that I disagree with any of the messages, I disagree with who is delivering the message and the hypocrisy. There is just a time and a place for them and this isn't it.

Also, these people don't have the credentials to be giving this message. It's like that moron Paltrow and her Netflix documentary full of non-science like being on an alkaline diet but adding lemon juice to water to make it taste nice. It's just unsubstantiated advertising like the other Netflix documentary Game Changers promoting a vegan diet, produced by James Cameron, owner of a Vegan food company.
I love that stuff - 'vegan director promotes vegan diet in a documentary' shock :)
We've had years and years of adverts, programmes, advice about eating non vegan food from those who profit from it - all ok
We get 1 vegan doc and it is 'unsubstantiated advertising'

As for Phoenix's credentials....
Not sure what credentials you need to state the bleeding obvious about how milk is produced.
I don't recall a single documentary trying to push meat eating due to it being ethically superior to plant based. It's pseudoscience and profiteering.

I wasn't necessarily discrediting Phoenix's credentials or the topic's validity specifically but the whole celebrity pushing views culture. We're all against animal cruelty, that's a given. It's more when it comes to politics and you have millionaires giving their opinion when they have no idea what the real world is like or the whole environmental hypocrisy of preaching about the environment but swanning around in private jets.

Even worse is the do-gooder attention seeking virtue signaling kind like Phoenix wearing the same tux to all the awards like it is a huge sacrifice when he is flying multiple times, probably privately so it is just meaningless virtue signaling.
so a famous person is using his high profile and media exposure to shine a light on a cause he is passionate about?

seems like a good use of his time to me, and I am not sure why so many people are getting all precious about it.

if you agree with him, good, then do something about it yourself as well. If you dont agree, then dont do anything. simple.
There are very good reasons that there isn't a documentary pushing meat as ethically superior.
We have, however, been inundated with advertising to tell us how wonderful meat iand dairy product is - pushed by the industry. Meat, in particular, being seen as very masculine. Fair enough it's their job to do that.
Surely its fair enough for a vegan to put an alternative view.
You can take anything you want from Gamechangers - the thing I recall is that you can eat healthily, you can compete at the highest level in a variety of sports - all by avoiding animal products. In my view it bust a few myths.
The ethics of it is down to the individual - and, for most, it is 'set'. It is 'set' arguably by the messages of many many years regarding meat and milk.

Phoenix is talking about the ethics of artificially inseminating a cow, taking its baby calf away and using the milk meant for the cow for human consumption,. All because we have the power and therefore we can.
Personally I think that is an ethical debate worth having.
My personal challenge, is to understand what can be 'right' (if that is the right word) about what we are doing in that scenario.
so a famous person is using his high profile and media exposure to shine a light on a cause he is passionate about?

That isn't the problem. He has a documentary to do that. He is world famous, he always has a platform to push the causes he is passionate about. The problem is the setting. It makes the awards a tedious borefest of who can be the most "woke". This should be the pinnacle of their career. A prestigious award held in the highest regard but instead of celebrating that they have to try and outdo each other as the best virtue signalling do-gooder.

In my view it bust a few myths.

I confess I haven't watched it all but from what I did see there was one thing all of the vegan athletes at the pinnacle of their game failed to mention was that they weren't vegans when they were developing. They became vegans when they were already at the peak of their physical development. There was no comparison with how the body develops on a plant based diet vs a diet that includes meat. Lewis Hamilton & Novak Djokovic might be vegans now but would they have become champions in the first place if they had always been vegans?
It was a documentary - there are lots of unanswered questions. There was one body builder, if I recall correctly, who has always been vegan. That’s still wasn’t the point for me - it was you can be healthy and fit and at the top of your game despite switching (better description) to a vegan diet.
Ref Phoenix - its a difference of opinion. He has a stage and make a point about ethics, compassion and humanity. Some say he shouldn’t some say fair play. I’m in the latter camp.
He wasn’t promoting veganism - he never mentioned it once.
He was raising an ethical issue.

And, your point is exactly the discussion. Should we keep animals alive, breed millions more, treat them the way we do just for our benefit.