Isn’t it fantastic to have the grown ups in charge again?!

Yet, noticing a lot of positive, very sensible announcements already.

It's easy to say talk is cheap, and it is.

But tone matters and I think it's a damning reflection on the tories that Labour talking about the EU, teachers, doctors with respect (as opposed to picking fights) is so refreshing. It should be norm and unremarkable but at the minute it isn't. Good to see.
We’ve had 14 years of Moronic Tories chasing Ideologies and Slogans. So many wasted years on delivering nothing for the population.

Instead, just wanting to pick fights with anyone who fancied it. Honestly, I can’t tell you how relieved I am that the absolute shower of chite got obliterated.

It’s early days but I believe this Labour Government will at least try to govern responsibly and tackle some off the issues that have been lingering for way too long under The Tories who were only ever interested in self preservation.

They won’t be able to resolve everything and they’ll by no means perfect but they’ll be a hell of a lot better than the Buffoons we’ve had to endure for the last 14 years.
You just feel better when you wake up on a morning. It’s like a cloud has been lifted and the sun has come out. Loving every second listening to smart articulate caring people raising our aspirations with genuine hope for the future. I expect Rachel Reid to smash it out of the park today - loved the fact she had the urinal removed from number 11 Downing Street today - no longer jobs for the boys!
Yet, noticing a lot of positive, very sensible announcements already.

It's easy to say talk is cheap, and it is.

But tone matters and I think it's a damning reflection on the tories that Labour talking about the EU, teachers, doctors with respect (as opposed to picking fights) is so refreshing. It should be norm and unremarkable but at the minute it isn't. Good to see.
Great post
Absolutely should be unremarkable to be talking about figuring out issues. We’ve been subjected to this shower for 14 years and the difference in tone is stark yet so incredibly noticeable, refreshing and reassuring as well.

The level of Tory incompetence is astounding.
And listening to them talk over the weekend they have no clue as to how they come across.
They are so out of touch with ordinary people (NHS, cost of living, housing, mortgages, childcare costs etc etc. but not immigration!) and in many instances that for me, it’s a damning indictment on the English voting public for being hoodwinked by this cabal.
We’ve had 14 years of Moronic Tories chasing Ideologies and Slogans. So many wasted years on delivering nothing for the population.

Instead, just wanting to pick fights with anyone who fancied it. Honestly, I can’t tell you how relieved I am that the absolute shower of chite got obliterated.

It’s early days but I believe this Labour Government will at least try to govern responsibly and tackle some off the issues that have been lingering for way too long under The Tories who were only ever interested in self preservation.

They won’t be able to resolve everything and they’ll by no means perfect but they’ll be a hell of a lot better than the Buffoons we’ve had to endure for the last 14 years.
The challenge for them in the medium to long term is making sure it cuts through.

Because you can bet your house on the likes of the mail twisting every single decision into being undemocratic, unpatriotic or financially irresponsible.

I'm sure they will be, but they really need to be on point with their comms, particularly online. Until recently the right, particularly Farage and his shady backers have been well ahead of the game on that front (it also needs regulating properly, but thats a whole other debate).
Whats troubling with the Tories (as if we care any more) is that they keep saying they’re out because they didn’t deliver on their policies. Bo11ocks, it’s nowt to do with the policies it’s the fact that the public finally woke up to the fact it’s the people, they’re vile and the public doesn’t want them anywhere near government any more.
The challenge for them in the medium to long term is making sure it cuts through.

Because you can bet your house on the likes of the mail twisting every single decision into being undemocratic, unpatriotic or financially irresponsible.

I'm sure they will be, but they really need to be on point with their comms, particularly online. Until recently the right, particularly Farage and his shady backers have been well ahead of the game on that front (it also needs regulating properly, but thats a whole other debate).
Surely the Mail operate these days in an echo chamber of readers and no longer does it have any effect on the general opinion people anymore. Yes it is virtually a Tory Party Pamphlett but it's a running joke of a paper now read by old people in their bathchairs
Surely the Mail operate these days in an echo chamber of readers and no longer does it have any effect on the general opinion people anymore. Yes it is virtually a Tory Party Pamphlett but it's a running joke of a paper now read by old people in their bathchairs
And people who like a good TV page of course.

I don't know. Influence definitely waning, but you still hear a lot of opinions lifted almost verbatim from it. Even if people don't read it, they'll know someone who does who'll then spread the message of the mail's arguments that sound logical on the surface, but have no substance.

It's influence is quite insidious I think.
Surely the Mail operate these days in an echo chamber of readers and no longer does it have any effect on the general opinion people anymore. Yes it is virtually a Tory Party Pamphlett but it's a running joke of a paper now read by old people in their bathchairs
I’m not sure if that is true. Articles are still spread on social media.
At 6am, Labour's victory comes off the back of just 35% of the voting public choosing to vote for them - up just 1.4 percentage points on 2019 and a whole 5 percentage points lower than Jeremy Corbyn in 2017.
At 6am, Labour's victory comes off the back of just 35% of the voting public choosing to vote for them - up just 1.4 percentage points on 2019 and a whole 5 percentage points lower than Jeremy Corbyn in 2017.
Yes, they've got their work cut out in Westminster and across the local authorities to stop the rise of fascism and the destruction of the country.