is it time to issue ration cards?


Well-known member
obviously the government policy of asking people to be sensible isnt working...

reports of families taking a trolly each around the supermarkets or returning to buy limited items...

surely a rationcard per house hold needs to be implemented now...
It’s another sign of how little actual leadership the government is showing as they have not implemented a policy as such and have left it to shops to sort out, at least the largest shops have tried to implement restrictions to curb the worst of people stockpiling but I’ve heard horror stories of price rises to ridiculous levels on certain items in smaller shops.

Not sure rationing is the answer but a down the line across the board policy is needed for clarity. You will always get people who will exploit the system at the expense of others. Perhaps a sign in option would work to monitor things but whether that’s feasible to set up and manage is debatable.
It’s another sign of how little actual leadership the government is showing as they have not implemented a policy as such and have left it to shops to sort out, at least the largest shops have tried to implement restrictions to curb the worst of people stockpiling but I’ve heard horror stories of price rises to ridiculous levels on certain items in smaller shops.

Not sure rationing is the answer but a down the line across the board policy is needed for clarity. You will always get people who will exploit the system at the expense of others. Perhaps a sign in option would work to monitor things but whether that’s feasible to set up and manage is debatable.
When asked about profiteering yesterday Johnson made some limp remark that he hoped that it wouldn’t happen. Terrible leadership but at least he’s getting the virus done.
Bbc news yesterday named and shamed a chemist selling calpol for £20, this is surely illegal so the statutes for profiteering already exist. Let’s start using them.

There does appear to be a naive over reliance from this govt on this so called good will and people doing the right thing.
Regards rationing organised crime will just exploit this with counterfeit docs etc and who will administer and implement this.
It’s the spiv economy. Queues of traders outside Costco going viral. Mostly convenience store owners. Two toilet roll pack £4.50! Milk price they e added another 20p a pint. They argue it’s supply and demand but they are taking advantage by escalating demand on the back of the panic.
I remember the panic-buying of petrol a few years back. Two local garages took different paths; one hiked the prices sky high, the other kept the prices the same but limited people to £20 worth. Which garage do I still go to?

People do remember.
Great that you do that. Sadly many people wont remember. And to be honest I never bought my provisions in these shops anyway before the shortages.
My sister who lives in Sittingbourne was telling me yesterday that she had about 10 messages in one morning on the Freecycle site she uses. All asking if anyone had a fridge freezer going free. Obviously people have not got enough capacity to hoard. Greedy barstewards.
Unbelievable. China don’t have a food shortage problem in their supermarkets because they have made hoarding and excess profiteering illegal with heavy fines.