"In Which We Serve"


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Bluddy damn fine film.
Watched it for the umpteenth time.
Noel coward.
What a man.
Played the part of the Captain of HMS Torrin.

"Here ends the story of a ship, but there will always be other ships; we are an island race, through all our centuries the sea has ruled our destiny. There will always be other ships and men to sail in them. It is these men, in peace or war, to whom we owe so much. Above all victories, beyond all loss, in spite of changing values and a changing world they give to us, their countrymen, eternal and indomitable pride."

It is a very good movie and depicts very well of the people and characters who not only live on the island but perhaps what it takes to live on an island.
Many times I've signed myself in at the Dubai Seaman's mission as AB Shorty Blake 🤣
"It's a small world and no error!"

Trivia.... Juliet Mills first film appearance as Shorty and Freda's baby