If you want to check the news, how do you do it?


Well-known member
I rarely watch news on the TV or listen on the radio. I usually check BBC news website on a morning and then Gazette live for any local/boro news. Do the same after lunch. And that's me.
I don't use Twitter/X. Get the usual stuff on other social media such as facebook and instagram but I generally skim over anything on social media and take it with a pinch of salt.
I rarely watch it.

You cant avoid hearing if something big/major has happened but rarely stop and watch any news outlets.
BBC and guardian website. Plus occasional other stuff. Al Jazeera. Watched a lot of South China news on YouTube during COVID. And that Korean outlet. The sidebar on my phone keeps giving me stories from the Hindustani times.
I used to rely on alerts from Piers Corbyns various social media accounts to keep me abreast of the facts, but ever since I had a kind Eastern European BT employee point out I had a problem with my internet connection, I now get all my updates from an outlet called THE TRUTH.
I make it all up in my head. But then maybe read the BBC news app. Don't watch the TV news these days, big stuff tends to filter through on SM anyway.
BBC News, Guardian and then for balance (and a laugh) a quick look at Fox News and the Telegraph
I look at the bbc headlines to see what celebs, royals, ex bbc people have died that day - but never read the articles. Same with the guardian, to see what the naughty tories have been upto. I look at tass daily, just to see what ridiculous spin they've put on things. Then listen to various podcasts & youtube things most evenings.
I browse through here and Reddit. Any major news story usually has a topic. If it's really significant I've probably already got my Whatsapp groups discussing it. I then look at BBC for the report. If it's breaking news on a live event in progress then that is the only time I will go on Twitter.

I don't watch news channels, read any papers or browse news websites. I do check into the BBC website to see the headlines at times but it's not my first port of call on the internet.