How was your round of golf today?

88 shots which is pretty poor for me. That’s 11 worse than my handicap. Very rusty indeed. Love my new putter, though. 3 blobs in the last 4 holes as the stamina failed me.

Back out there tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday, so good chance to improve
Very windy, my course usually is but a bit lot more than normal.
Didn't break a hundred and had 6 putts lip out.

Had a partial knee replacement and that legs a bit sore.

Oh to make matter worst forgot my battery and had to hire a pull trolley. Back again Thursday.
Played 6 holes yesterday and then stopped. Too windy.

I have been a fair weather golfer for years now.
Loved it. Got really chunky on my wedges on soft ground = shots dropped. Back to single figures by next month I'd hope. 😉